So today's my birthday...
This one will be a little more personal, but it seems like a good time to reflect a bit. I turned 59 today. I have spent the day, and a couple before it, sick. One of the joys of working in any level of the education sector (I'm in higher ed) is being exposed to pretty much any and every virus in circulation at any given time. It goes with the territory and I accept that. I had some hope briefly that after our shared experience with the COVID pandemic that a new work and classroom attendance culture would take hold - one a bit more forgiving for those who are really just too sick to be in class. From a health standpoint, it would be great. As long as the work gets done, I'm okay with that. There will always be a subset of colleagues who will disagree, and I accept that too. Most likely, I will be well in a day or two - knock on wood. The last several days have been rough for us as a nation. As my kids have wished me a happy birthday, I've lamented the world they are inherit...