Replicating a Coup Attempt

As you probably already know, extreme-right-wing supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro held their own January 6th style coup attempt by storming the Congressional building, the Presidential Palace, and the Supreme Court. Much like our own experience with a self-coup roughly two years ago, Bolsonaro's failed. As of now, well over a thousand individuals have been arrested and are being held for questioning, and investigators are collecting forensic evidence at what is now a crime scene in the capital city of Brasilia. 

Tom Sullivan at Hullabaloo has a fairly detailed run-down of what happened. One major concern is that the US, which once had a reputation of inspiring copycat attempts to create democracies is now gaining a reputation for copycat attempts to destroy democratic governments and institutions. We can thank Trump and the MAGA crowd for that. I am hoping that those responsible, including Bolsonaro, are brought swiftly to justice. If so, that would be an improvement over the snail's-pace approach the US has taken to bring our own insurrectionists, including the leaders (e.g., Donald Trump himself) to justice. Swift and firm responses to these two insurrections would, I hope, defuse a ticking time bomb faced by democracies all over the planet. 

Tick. Tock.


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