The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves (House Speaker Edition)

We've ended the third full day of the new Congressional Session and the House has yet to elect a Speaker. Kevin McCarthy has lost 11 votes in a row. To put into context, that means that this is the first time since before the Civil War that it has taken more than nine votes for the House of Representatives to elect a Speaker. Then again, the majority party is the GOP, the guy wanting the Speaker's gavel is Kevin McCarthy, and so it's no great loss at least for now.

My impression from catching coverage after my wife and I came home from our favorite diner was that McCarthy and his team will continue to hold votes for as long as it takes. Like Thanos, he claims to be "inevitable." And he may well be. He's made a ton of concessions to the 20 or so hold-outs, and so far that has not led to a breakthrough. So we go through another potential Groundhog Day scenario tomorrow, and perhaps the next day (and the next day, etc.). Any of us who have ever sought a leadership position have probably been rejected. Usually it doesn't take much to take the hint. Not McCarthy, though. No sirree. 

If he does get the necessary votes in the near future (and I still think that is a remote possibility, although I do give myself the right to be wrong), he's not starting from a strong position, and the moment he actually does have to work with the minority party to get muss-pass legislation over the finish line, I suspect he'll have to survive what amounts to a vote of no confidence each time. I'm sure that doesn't give his counterpart in the Senate (Minority Leader Mitch McConnell) much confidence that he can close the deal when major legislation must be passed. And yet here we are. 

We live in interesting times. Let's see what Friday brings us.


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