Did Donald Trump Schedule a "Law and Order" Rally in a Town with Ties to the KKK?


Another way of putting it: does a bear shit in the woods? The answer to both is yes. You can read Josh Marshall's post at TPM for a quick summary. Trump could probably hold a similar rally in Harrison, which is a town with a very similar reputation in what remains of rural northwest Arkansas. The one scheduled for Tuesday is in Howell, Michigan, which is a swing state. I'm sure some sort of audience will goose step their way to see Trump blabber incoherently. I doubt this will endear the ex-president with the sort of independent swing voters he would need in order to flip Michigan this election year. Trump is not just using racist dog whistles as Josh Marshall notes. He's gone far beyond that, and has truly doubled down on the fascist tone that Trump and his stans prefer. Obviously, this rally deserves to be mocked, and the various media outlets need to do their jobs and make it plain as day that Trump is a candidate who embraces fascism and is not fit to be anywhere near the Oval Office.


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