Jon Stewart's recap on the last night of the DNC convention

I am glad to have Jon Stewart back. He's consistently funny, and he is not one to pull punches. Here is his recap of Day 4 of the DNC convention:


Jon Stewart's take on Fox News' coverage was brilliantly brutal. Jesse Watters comes across as the GOP's "Baghdad Bob". If you are too young to know who that is, Wikipedia is your friend. The absurdity of reporting on how miserable the convention-goers are while literally next to a screen showing the convention-goers having the time of their life is truly a sight to behold.

He loves highlighting the internal contradictions of the Democratic coalition. Speaking as a Democratic Party member, I can tell you that we are truly a big tent party, and perhaps even more so this election season. We can be a bit like herding cats - always have been. Diversity is our strength, but the DNC programmers' choice to not focus on Palestinian Americans strikes both Stewart and me as something that may come back to haunt them later. Kamala Harris' acceptance speech got treated respectfully, which is well-deserved.

I am sure we could quibble on some fine details. Is joy experienced within a convention setting truly qualitatively different from the joy experienced in other contexts? Pondering that may be good for a laugh and probably not much else. Are we really just experiencing relief after wondering if, in fact we were in the Darkest Timeline? Or are we genuinely excited? I'd argue the latter, with a hint of the former.

Overall, it was a great segment. Jon Stewart had me practically falling out of my chair laughing throughout. Ultimately that is the measure of a successful comedy bit.


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