Putin wants Trump installed in the White House: Useful idiots edition

Pictured above: some useful idiots who have just lost their YouTube channels. Turns out that failing to disclose sponsors to YouTube is a big no-no and will get you banned for the platform. Sucks to be them.

The above images come from Ukraine Journal, a Telegram news channel that I trust. Here are the links if you use Telegram. And if not, no worries. Maybe subscribe to news channels on Telegram so you don't have to. The last link has this caption:
Tayler Hansen, one of the MAGA influencers who (knowingly or unknowingly) was accepting money from the Russians to promote Russian propaganda and help Trump win stated that YouTube has deleted his channel and banned him for life.

It is a violation of YouTube's terms of service to accept sponsorships and not disclose it to YouTube and their own audience. These "useful idiot" creators are claiming the money they got was for liscensing and it isn't undisclosed sponsorships, but it looks like YouTube isn't buying it. 

They made their beds. Will Bunch reminds us that in this high-stakes election, Russia's efforts to interfere in our elections has continued unabated and what we saw happen with Tenet Media is just the tip of the iceberg. Putin's hopes for reconquering the nations that split away from the old USSR rest in large part on having a dictator installed in the White House who will destroy alliances that prevent Russian tanks from invading and plundering nations that have found at least some modicum of democracy and freedom. Really, one thing a dictator with imperial ambitions cannot abide is a successful counterexample of a way of life that involves free and fair elections, a free press, a thriving civil society, and at least some semblance of transparency. Putin does not want that for his neighbors and he doesn't want that for us.


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