Actions have consequences

Yesterday Tina Peters, the former County Clerk for Mesa County, Colorado was sentenced to nine years in prison. What did she do? She was convicted of tampering with the voting machines in her county, including giving someone with no clearance access to voting machines in her county. She bought into Trump's Big Lie and acted unlawfully, using her elected position as a platform to spread lies about electoral integrity in the process. Her actions cost her county an enormous amount of money and reputational damage. As far as she is concerned, she did nothing wrong. Maybe she really believes that. Maybe she is just defiant in the face of being caught and being held accountable. I will provide a couple videos. One is of Tina Peters addressing the judge at her sentencing hearing. If you can get through all 40 minutes, you'll realize she really is a piece of work. The second video will be the judge's ruling, which is a master class in how to deal with an unrepentant defendant who abused her office.

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. This is one of those moments where justice was done. I hope that this ruling does act as a deterrent to others who think about doing something similar in any upcoming elections.


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