A must-read on Emptywheel

One of the bloggers at Emptywheel posted about what November 9th means to Germans, and the decidedly mixed emotions that the date brings up. In 1923, the day marked the Beer Hall Putsch. In 1938, the date marked Kristallnacht. Those each were dark days. In 1989, the date marked the fall of the Berlin Wall, marking the end of Soviet dominance of eastern Germany, and eventually the fall of the communist USSR which paved the way for the eastern and western sides of Germany to be once again reunited for the first time since WWII. This year's date is marked probably more by German and European worries about what a Trump regime in the US will mean, including emboldening a Russian dictator hell-bent on reviving the old Soviet Union, just minus the Marxist rhetoric. We are back to dark days.


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