Since the "Blue Wall" likely is no more:

I am getting ready to turn in, and I checked the latest about the remaining swing states. It does not look good. Trump is likely to get Pennsylvania's electoral votes. That's the ballgame, if that is what transpires. Again, if I had money that's regrettably how I would bet. I have no more idea than anyone else about what an American version of fascism will end up looking like. We'll know soon enough. In the meantime, I have a couple thoughts.

1. No matter whatever happens in the future, you have agency. You can make choices. The choices may not necessarily be to your liking, but you still have the ability to chose. Use it. 

2. Each of us has a moral compass. Don't compromise on your moral compass. That can be very difficult to do under duress, but it is important not to lose who you are as a human being. Once you lose that, you're just lost.

3. My mom used to say the Republicans were good at causing economic depressions. The policies that Trump ran on, if they came to pass, would plunge us into economic turmoil, especially if mass deportation and stiff tariffs become our new reality. 

4. I am not going to pretend to be an expert on geopolitics. I will say that any despot who has learned which buttons of Trump's to push will be celebrating. The US will go from treating Russia as its historic enemy to an ally to the detriment of Ukraine, the rest of Europe, and the Caucuses and Central Asian nations that make up the post-Soviet space. 

5. I am no environmental scientist either, but I can make a wild guess that energy policies under Trump will undermine efforts to curb carbon emissions. We will leave to our children and grandchildren a far worse world than we were already going to leave them. 

6. We are running out of institutions we can trust. The few left that remain as bulwarks of democracy need to be safeguarded for as long as possible.

7. No one is coming to save any of us. There are no saviors. Those who voted for what they thought was a savior were played for fools. 

8. Good night and good luck.


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