"The Analyst" on the last day of campaigning before Election Day
It’s the final day of campaigning in the US. Both sides are ending here in Pennsylvania.Today we’re all off to the Harris rally. Our job hits overdrive tomorrow when we literally pick people up and drive them to their voting place. In this state every vote counts and everybody knows it. The margins officially are razor thin but that’s not the feeling you get. Maybe my willingness to hope for a Harris victory is skewing my view but my gut instincts are rarely wrong. I was one of those back in 2016 saying Trump would win when everyone else said no way. It wasn’t what I wanted.
The tiny political and economic promises, the minutiae of what’s on offer from Harris matters to Americans. As a duel citizen they matter to me a little.What matters to me is vastly more strategic.
My fundamental concern is that a fascist doesn’t take over the United States. Because if it can happen there it can happen in the UK - and anywhere else.
America is the fundamental bastion of the free world and democracy. If it turns inward upon itself and ceases to be that bastion, then the fractured politics of European states are insufficient to maintain their own unity. They face the most testing of times both politically and militarily, let alone with the economic pressures facing Germany and France, where years of relying on past industrial technological advances have left them vulnerable to new ones, having stuck with the old for far too long. That deserves more explanation, but not right now.
America is absolutely fundamental to Freedom and Democracy. A Trump America would see that dismantled, torn down and irrevocably changed for decades to come.
We in Europe have no idea yet how badly positioned we are to cope with such a fundamentally different and unpredictable outcome.
Few occasions in history point to such opposing outcomes. One will see the status quo and democracy maintained - there will still be fights ahead and America has problems but its core fundamentals as the bulwark of free societies will remain intact.
The other will see the end of everything we have come to understand as the way the word works. There will be a scramble to lead, to unite and nobody capable of doing any of it.
What will be required of Europe is almost beyond its means - even more so when it has maggots like Orban and Fico eating it from the inside out. There could soon be more of them. Marine Le Pen and her French fascists, the AfD in Germany, they’re all in the wings waiting for their time to come.
And they will if Trump wins. He will actively encourage and embolden them as he does Orban.
Ukraine will be faced with defeat, a Russian victory that will hang over us like the sword of Damocles waiting to drop on us all.The consequences globally would be catastrophic. They will take their time to unfold, it won’t all happen at once - but bit by bit while you’re not paying attention the world will
unravel, and far from ending wars, the competitiveness of fascist egos will accelerate them.We stand on the edge of such a momentous choice, yet votes are being cast without any of this in mind. Some simply think Trump in the second coming, it’s almost cult like in its devotion. Lies and falsehoods have been repeated so often and so consistently throughout the last few years many believe them. Yet when challenged to prove their beliefs with facts they have nothing. Their response is that it’s the questioner repeating ‘fake media’ news they have been carefully conditioned to consider The Enemy.
I don’t know how any of these Fox News people have the gall to wake up in the morning? How do you know your job is lies and every word you say is designed to destroy your own nation from within? You have to know. Or are they simply so enraptured with the power and the paycheck they don’t care anymore? How do you sell your soul so easily? Who but the most evil minds, sits there and tortures the truth so far and so often, they make a career out of it? Where is your moral compass?
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