This will not end well
So Trump's prospective "border czar" is threatening the Denver mayor with arrest over the mayor's resistance to mass deportations. As an expert on authoritarianism (minor in comparison to Altemeyer or Duckitt, but I do have a few peer review publications to show for it) and an amateur history buff, I don't see how this standoff ends well. Trump's fascist tendencies are on full display - this time by one of his henchmen. Either the federal government goes forward with its mass imprisonment of undocumented residents (and anyone who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time) and the Denver mayor goes to jail, or the mass deportation happens and the mayor folds like so many others who were supposed to be our bulwarks of democracy.
The US has devolved to the point that a plurality of its citizens don't seem to be bothered with electing a convicted felon as their president and can't be bothered to care who gets hurt in the process. The US has devolved to the point that one major party has its own de facto militia dedicated to the party's boss. The other major party does not have its own militia, and operates under institutional norms and rules that are supposed to be accepted by all parties. That strikes me as unsustainable for a democracy. The escalation of systemic violence against the most vulnerable - a form of violence, mind you, that has always existed to one degree or another - could conceivably turn into something deadlier, especially if liberals rediscover the long-forgotten Weathermen or Baader-Meinhof Group and question why leftists of any stripe eschewed the use of violence in such a doctrinaire fashion. Note that I don't advocate the left forming its own militias (although there are some leftist militias and gun clubs if you know where to look). I do however believe that others will once facing down the barrel of the federal government.
If American democracy is to survive for the next few years, it will be because people like a city mayor or a state governor stand up and refuse to accept orders barked at them by a power-mad tyrant who just happens to occupy the White House. More importantly, it will be because those officials stood up to the tyrant and masses of concerned citizens made the conscious choice to stand with them.
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