Not all of our mass media outlets and billionaires are cowardly
I believe that The Economist is typically paywalled, but The Moderate Voice offers enough of the outlet's Kamala Harris endorsement to be read by us. The Economist has not changed its editorial slant as far as I know. It's a magazine devoted to capitalist economic policies and its reporting and editorializing are consistent with that mission. Former NYC Mayor and founder of Bloomberg , Michael Bloomberg, also endorsed Kamala Harris for President . It's safe to say that Michael Bloomberg is no commie. Rather, he's someone who wants to make sure that the US is a good place to continue to do business. I'll give The Economist and Bloomberg credit: they are standing and being counted. Plenty of news outlets are doing the opposite of Washington Post , Los Angeles Times , and USA Today and making an explicit endorsement of Harris. Those who are standing up are following the cardinal rule of preventing our nation from descending into dictatorship: they are refusing to...